Last night’s barbecue was almost a bust. (Rats.) As we were standing around drinking gazpacho out of martini glasses and the meat was put on to grill, some evil-looking clouds rolled in. Just in time for the meat to be done, it started to pour, so we took the party inside. What a huge relief the rain was, though. Cooled everything down dramatically. Guess the weather man was right. I left all the windows open overnight and now it’s a comfortable 70ish in here instead of the 80s it’s been.
Speaking of windows being open, even though we have screens, somehow, we’re being attacked in the night by mosquitoes. Back in Minnesota, people joke about the mosquito being the state bird, ‘cause those suckers are huge. But here, they’re sneaky and invisible. A few days ago I saw what I thought was a marauding speck of dust, but it must have been a mosquito, and it must have been breeding. Every morning I’ve been waking up with a few more bites. I have several on my legs, two almost on top of each other on my arm, causing a huge lump, and I have about 5 on my face, which is really attractive.
Anyway, back to the barbecue. We had a basic American meal- burgers, chips, beer. Looking around their apartment, I was stunned by the number of American foodstuffs. Where do they get them all? I mean, I know you can place orders online at sites like Net Grocer and have things delivered. But sheesh, shipping must cost a fortune on all that food. And they had American ice cream! Baskin Robins ice cream! Where did it come from??
Personally, I’m loving our sparse fridge. Every morning brings a grin when I open it and see the 9 products, all in Russian. I love how things are the same, but not somehow. Milk and orange juice- pretty standard- but they’re in paper cartons that you have to actually cut open with a scissor. Neat. Pre-sliced white bread… but round, more baguette-ish than loaf-ish, and more solid, it doesn’t break apart when you try to spread something on it. Individual cups of yogurt, but with interesting flavors. I especially love the green apple. Green apple yogurt! Whoda thunk? It’s delish. Also, I love the fact that portions are so much smaller. Milk cartons, pastries, everything is just smaller.
Our simple fridge…

This milk is “clever.” And smaller than a Pepsi.

Mmm, green apple yogurt.

Tonight when Jonathan gets home we plan to have dinner at a nearby bistro. He ate there the other night and says they have a good selection of salads. Mmm-mmm!
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