Our day-to-day adventures as we experience life abroad.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Pecan Update

After talking to my friend at work about pecans and their mysterious absence in Russia, I decided to do some google searching to see if I could figure out why they aren't here.

I didn't come up with any answers- but I DID find something even weirder.

Before I go on, I should also mention that my friend and I also talked about dark chocolate and how it's pretty hard to track down here. It is possible to find, but it's much less prevalent than milk chocolate. She stated that she finds dark chocolate too "sour" and so do her friends. Whether it's ice cream, chocolate, cakes, whatever, Russians tend to like their treats as sickeningly sweet and creamy as possible.

So, my friend and I both found it hilarious when I stumbled upon this:


This is a website that supposedly specializes in Russian products, and they're selling PECANS covered in DARK CHOCOLATE. I (and any Russians I've mentioned this to) can not think of anything LESS "Russian" than the combination of pecans and dark chocolate. I love how they even come in a souvenir-ish laquer box. Someone should put this website out of their embarrassing misery.


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