Our day-to-day adventures as we experience life abroad.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

yet more fun facts

Today I've been discussing with my coworkers what Russian animals say.

Cats and cows are easy enough- they also say "Мяу (Meow)" and "Му (Moo)."

Dogs say "Гаф," or "Gaf." "Gaf gaf!"

Pigs say "Хрю-хрю," or... uhh... that's not easy to transliterate. "Hryoo-hryoo" is the closest I can come up with. Apparently they even sometimes call a pig a "Хрючик (hryoochik)."

Roosters say "Ку-ка-ре-ку," or "Koo-kah-reh-koo." Trying to explain "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" to my friends was not easy. :)

Last but not least, horses say "И-го-го," or "Ee-goh-goh." As in "Eeeeee!gohgoh." I never understood where the spelling of "Neigh" came from, but "neeeeeiiiiigh" makes more sense to me than "eeeeeeeegohgoh."

I wonder if Mr. Ed was ever dubbed into Russian?

If you speak "animal" in any other languages, share the love!


Blogger Al said...

ahhhh, this was my favorite part of french class! I only remember the rooster (co-co-ri-co), but you can go here for more animal sounds in different languages:


my favorite is the italian parrot, who apparently says 'portobello.' rock on, italian parrot!

7:27 AM

Blogger Al said...

(this is allie, btw)

7:27 AM


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