Fun Facts
Sorry for the delay in the Lithuania story; after that intense trip, we followed it with a trip to Budapest, a trip to Oslo, and a case of the flu! And now we are getting ready for our *now official!* move to... drumroll... Tripoli, Libya! Anyway, I will get back to Villanious Vilnius, Part 2 one of these days...
In the meantime, here are some fun odds 'n' ends I've picked up from Russia lately.
Fun fact #1: Russians call the "at" sign (@) a "sabaka." "Sabaka" being the Russian word for "dog." Apparently they are sometimes also called "lyagushka," or "frog."
I don't know why, but this makes me immensely happy. :)
Fun fact #2: Like Americans, Russians say someone is "rolling over in their grave" when something happens that a dead person wouldn’t approve of. What other cultures/languages have this idiom?
Speaking of idioms, Fun fact #3: Any of you who are Scandinavian are probably familiar with "Uff Da." The Russian equivalent of "Uff Da" is "Blin!" As in, one blini- a pancake. As in, "I spilled tea on myself! Blin!" :D
Things like this are why I love living overseas.
All for now- more planning awaits!