I'm not dead!
Okay, so... it's only been like 6 months or more since I posted last. Life has been going through an intense period of acceleration. Trying to figure out where we were living next, then planning said move, then experiencing said move. After all this mayhem, we have landed on our feet in our new home- Tripoli, Libya. So far we've been living in temporary quarters, without internet access, we both got the flu, and started jobs. We've just moved into a permanent place, soon (hopefully) to be followed by the arrival of our new computer and internet. I've been keeping a sparse journal, but I can't copy the files over yet... and I don't feel up to typing all those thoughts a second time... so this is really not much of an update, just a notification of my status and a promise for more soon. And, after having purchased a Mac during this insanity, I may also start blogging on a .mac site. Time will tell. Until then, good wishes to all- and to all a good night!